Effect of External Perturbation Fields on Divertor Particle and Heat Loads During ELMs at JET
Heat loads arriving at the JET-divertor during Type-I ELMs have been successfully reduced by applying externally imposed magnetic perturbation fields. The ELM-frequency in these plasmas strongly increases, leading to smaller ELM-size. The concomitant density losses, known as pump-out effect, have been recovered using inboard gas fuelling; albeit with a degradation of the energy confinement. Langmuir probe analysis has shown that the magnetic perturbation drastically reduces the ELM-peaks, but at the price of higher inter-ELM fluxes. Preprint of Paper to be submitted for publication in Proceedings of the 18th Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices Toledo, Spain ( 26th May 2008 - 30th May 2008)