
EDGE2D Simulations of JET 13C Migration Experiments

JET migration experiments were performed at the end of the 2001 campaign and reported in. These consisted of the methane gas puffing from the vessel top into an ohmic plasma. The methane was composed of 13C. The 13C migration pattern was determined in the subsequent vacuum opening by examination of the carbon tiles connected to the gas injection field lines. The basic result was that the 13C was distributed above the inner strike point extending up beyond the baffles at the divertor entrance. No 13C was found on the outer target, and little was found in the private flux region below the inner strike point. The accumulation in the inner divertor region has often been taken as anecdotal evidence for the existence of SOL flows directed towards the inner divertor, which was reinforced by the JET Reverse Field IR measurements which indicate the inner target co-deposited layers are eroded and outer target carbon co-deposited layers are formed when the inwardly directed SOL flow was eliminated.
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