
D­T Fusion with Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating in the JET Tokamak

Ion cyclotron resonance heating (TCRH) experiments have been carried out in JET D-T plasmas using scenarios applicable to reactors. Deuterium minority heating in tritium plasmas is used for the first time and produces 1.66MW of D-T fusion power for an ICRH power of 6MW. The Q value is 0.22, which is a record for ste.'.ldy state discharges. Fundamental He3 minority ICRH, in both 50:50 D-T and tritium dominated plasmas, generates strong bulk ion heating and ion temperatures up to 13keV. Second harmonic tritium ICRH is seen to heat mainly the electrons as expected for JET conditions. All three schemes produce H-mode plasmas.
Name Size  
JETP97059 400.97 Kb