
Disruption, Halo Current and Rapid Shutdown Database Activities for ITER

Disruption characterization and database development and analysis activities conducted for ITER under the aegis of the International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA) Topical Group on MHD Stability are described. An International Disruption Database (IDDB) Working Group and a MDSplus-based IDDB infrastructure for disruption-relevant tokamak data, first established in 2006, comprises one of the several 'joint activities' conducted by the MHD Stability Group. Analysis reported in 2006 of current quench data is updated to assess sensitivities to current decay metrics and continues to support the 2006 recommendation about the lower bound on the plasma current decay time expected in ITER. Expansion of the IDDB scope and content to encompass halo current data has been initiated, and new combined current decay and halo current data sets have so far been received from four tokamaks. Analysis reported herein in a preliminary fashion will provide an "integrated" current decay and halo current basis for recommendations to ITER for halo current magnitude and toroidal asymmetry and how these attributes correlate with the parent plasma aspect ratio, elongation and triangularity and current and toroidal field magnitude. The feasibility of interpreting database composite and device-specific data in terms of a 'statistical' load severity spectrum is being explored. Activity has also been initiated to add data categories for rapid plasma shutdowns effected by massive gas and pellet injection.
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