
Diagnostic Exploitation of Complex Heavy Elements in Tokamak Plasmas

In future burning plasma experiments, a promising method for the diagnosis of first wall erosion is to detect the onset of emission from nonintrinsic materials embedded in the plasma facing components as they are revealed and enter the confined plasma. Likely high Z species were introduced into JET plasmas by laser ablation. Results from targets of single species (W and Hf) and dual species (W/Hf composite) are presented. The composite target experiment has shown that it is possible to reliably distinguish between emission from near neighbour heavy elements, even with instrument resolutions of l/l ~ 0.001. Forward prediction to power plant conditions necessitates a model of the complex spectra and a system for generating the required atomic data and producing spectral feature emissivity coefficients is described. An important consideration is to enable exploration of different instrumentation so the spectral resolution of the compound features are tuned to the diagnostic capability.
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