Descriptive Analysis of 1999 Task Force C Data
As part of the winding-up of the JET Joint Undertaking, an agreement was established with UKAEA to validate the 1999 Gas Box data and make a descriptive analysis of the data. This report constitutes one of the deliverables specified under the agreement and describes the descriptive data analysis work undertaken examining results from the Task Force B and C campaigns in 1999. Two main areas are covered in this report - studies of plasma shaping effects for ITER and studies of various issues for Optimised Shear plasmas. The ITER shaping studies concentrated on the effects on energy confinement but also included a study of shaping effects on neo-classical tearing mode stability. The Optimised Shear studies covered a wide range of issues, including:- diagnostic studies of MSE, and ion temperature measurements in the presence of argon; studies of triggering mechanisms for Internal Transport Barriers (ITBs), the threshold power to make ITBs and the effect of LHCD modifications to the q-profile on this threshold; and studies of high betan and high betap Optimised Shear plasmas.