Control and Monitoring System for Fusion Neutron Spectroscopy on JET
A new Control and Monitoring (C&M) system is being developed for the TOFOR and MPRu fusion neutron spectrometers within the JET enhancement program. The system, which is an evolution of the existing C&M system of the MPR spectrometer, consists of a controlled pulsed light source distributed by an optical fiber network to all photomultiplier tubes used in the plastic scintillator based spectrometers. The light source is a green Nd:LSB solid state laser complemented by blue LED sources. Pulse height distributions for each detection channel are recorded to set the spectrometers to prescribed working points and monitor deviations. Absolute reference is obtained complementing the controlled light source with radioactive sources. In this paper we report on the C&M prototype design and component tests for the MPRu spectrometer. The results show that the laser and the associated optics provide a controlled light pulse of intensity covering a dynamic range of more than four orders of magnitudes. The choice of optical fiber diameters is critical for achieving the desired stability and uniformity of the light intensity collected by each MPRu detector.