Application of the 3D Edge Code EMC3-EIRENE to JET Single Null Configurations by Validating Against 2D Simulations with EDGE2D-EIRENE
The 3D Monte Carlo code EMC3-EIRENE was successfully adapted to the single null configuration of JET. A test bed with the well established 2D edge plasma code EDGE2D-EIRENE was generated for this configuration to check the adaptation of the EMC3-EIRENE code and isolate possible candidates for further improvement. As both codes solve the same set of fluid equations, even though using different solving techniques (respectively a Monte Carlo method in the EMC3 and a finite differences scheme in the EDGE2D code), the results should be very similar as both codes are coupled to the same kinetic neutral particle Monte Carlo code EIRENE to simulate the plasma-neutral interaction. This paper will show that both codes are in a fairly good agreement regarding plasma profiles and even recycling regime.