
A Proposed In-Vessel Calibration Light Source for the Joint European Torus

An In-vessel Calibration Light Source (ICLS) is proposed for use during extended shutdown periods of the Joint European Torus (JET). The ICLS is primarily a 12 inch integrating sphere (4 inch opening) with 4 lamps (of known luminance), which can be positioned inside the JET vacuum vessel via the Remote-Handling Arm (RHA). This will facilitate the in-situ calibration of optical diagnostics, which rely on absolute light intensity measurements currently made when the diagnostics are removed from JET. The ICLS could ultimately reduce/remove the mechanical stresses associated with the repositioning of diagnostics for calibration purposes. At least 10 diagnostic systems could benefit from the ICLS; in some instances the ICLS provides the only viable absolute-calibration strategy. Moreover, the ICLS will be a broad-spectrum "white" light source, enabling intensity calibrations at all visible wavelengths. A secondary benefit of the ICLS is in its use as an illumination source for making measurements of the reflectance (over a broad spectral range, and at multiple angles) from the tiles lining the JET vacuum vessel. During the ITER-Like Wall (ILW) intervention new Be, C, and W tiles will be installed in JET and their reflectance measured. Measurements made in subsequent JET interventions will provide data on the effect of high-temperature plasma operation on the reflectance of these tiles.
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