Effect of Nitrogen Seeding on the ELM Energy Losses in JET with the ITER-Like Wall

The baseline type I ELMy H-mode scenario has been re-established in JET with the new tungsten MKII-HD divertor and beryllium on the main wall (hereafter called ITER-like wall, JET-ILW). The first JET-ILW results show that the confinement is degraded by 20­30% in the baseline scenarios compared to the previous carbon wall JET (JET-C) plasmas. The degradation is mainly driven by the reduction in the pedestal temperature. Stored energies and pedestal temperature comparable to the JET-C have been obtained in JET-ILW baseline plasmas only in the high triangularity shape using N2 seeding. This work compares the pedestal behaviour and the energy losses during ELMs in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with and without N2 seeding with similar JET-C baseline plasmas. ELMs in the JET-ILW differ from those with the carbon wall both in terms of time scales and energy losses. The ELM time scale, defined as the time to reach the minimum pedestal temperature soon after the ELM collapse, are 2ms in the JET-ILW and lower than 1ms in the JET-C. The energy losses relative to the pedestal energy are DWELM/Wped 7­12% in the JET-ILW and DWELM/Wped 10­20% in JET­C. In both cases, the energy losses fit relatively well with earlier multi machine empirical scalings of DWELM/Wped with collisionality. The time scale of the ELM collapse seems to be related to the pedestal collisionality. However, most of the non-seeded JET-ILW ELMs are followed by a further energy drop characterized by a slower time scale 10­15ms (hereafter called slow transport events), that can lead to losses in the range DWslow/Wped 15­22%, i.e. slightly larger than the JET-C ELM energy losses. On the other hand, the JET-ILW plasmas with N2 seeding have a ELM behaviour similar to the JET-C, both in terms of time scales, energy losses and absence of the slow transport events.
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