Optimizing ICRF Heating for ITER: Dedicated JET Experiments
In the past years, one of the focal points of the JET experimental program was on Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) studies in view of the design and the exploitation of the ICRH system being developed for ITER. In this brief review, some of the main achievements obtained in JET in this field during the last 5 years will be summarized. The results reported here include important aspects of a more engineering nature, such as (i) the appropriate design of the RF feeding circuits for optimal load resilient operation and (ii) the test of a compact high power density antenna array, as well as RF physics oriented studies aiming in refining the numerical models used for predicting the performance of the ICRH system in ITER. The latter include (i) experiments designed for improving the modelling of the antenna coupling resistance in various plasma conditions and (ii) the assessment of the heating performance of ICRH scenarios to be used in the non-active operation phase of ITER.