Systems for the Safe Operation of the JET Tokamak with Tritium
In 1997, the JET device was operated for an extensive campaign with deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas (the 'DTE1' campaign). A comprehensive network of machine protection systems were necessary so that this experimental campaign could be executed safely without damage to the machine or release of activated material. This network had been developed over many years of JET deuterium plasma operation and therefore the modifications for D-T operation were not a significant problem. The DTE1 campaign was executed successfully and safely and the machine protection systems proved reliable and robust and, in the limited cases where they were required to act, functioned correctly. The machine protection systems at JET are described and their categorisation and development over time are summarised. The management, commissioning and operational experience during DTE1 are discussed and some examples of fault scenarios are described. The experience with protection systems at JET highlights the importance of correct design and philosophy decisions being taken at an early stage. It is shown that this experience will be invaluable data input to the safe operation of future large fusion machines.