A Reflectometer for Fluctuation and Correlation Studies on JET
An integrated system of correlation reflectometers have been installed on the JET tokamak. The diagnostic consists of three X-mode, heterodyne, dual-antenna (bistatic), correlation reflectometers. Two of the reflectometers are dual channel systems at fixed frequencies of 75GHz (edge/SOL measurements) and 105GHz (core measurements) with a selectable poloidal (25mm) or toroidal (40mm) antenna separation. The third reflectometer is a two frequency system for radial measurements with one channel fixed at 92GHz and the other swept between 92-96GHz. All three reflectometers operate simultaneously through the same antenna cluster. The diagnostic can provide unique information on the spatial and temporal characteristics of plasma fluctuations. The capabilities of the system are illustrated with a selection of results.