Testing of Plasma Facing Materials for Divertors in the JET Neutral Beam Test Bed
Flat Beryllium tiles brazed to actively cooled CuCrZr withstand power densities up to 17MW/m2. Tiles with 2mm thickness have been cycled for 1000 pulses at power densities between 12 and 14MW/m2. Flat CFC tiles brazed to OFHC copper failed at power densities of 13MW/m2 with long (10s) pulses. The fault developed from an area which showed signs of overheating from the start of the test and led to a complete detachment of one tile. For shorter pulse duration (2.5s) higher power densities (17MW/m2) could be applied. CFC cubes brazed around a central cooling pipe (monoblocks) have been tested to 15MW/m2. The power density was limited by the peak surface temperature of the tiles, which exceeded 1500-2000°C. None of the tiles failed during the test, but there were considerable temperature variations from tile to tile.