Simulations of Tungsten Transport in the Edge of JET ELMy H-Mode Plasmas
Tungsten contamination can significantly impact the performance of future fusion reactors via fuel dilution and radiation in the plasma centre. Therefore, understanding tungsten sputtering and divertor retention is essential for optimising the core performance in tokamaks operating with tungsten. This study investigates these issues numerically in JET high-triangularity, type-I ELMy H-mode plasmas with the Monte-Carlo code DIVIMP used on background plasmas dynamically evolved with the multi-fluid code EDGE2D/EIRENE. During the ELM, the simulations show target temperatures in excess of a few 100eV, causing two orders of magnitude increase in the tungsten core contamination rate. During the ELM recovery, target densities of five times the pre-ELM values are obtained at the low field side, which strongly enhance divertor retention via increased friction with the main ions. Therefore, the core contamination is determined here dominantly by the intra-ELM divertor plasma characteristics.