Comparison of Divertor Power Loads of Spontaneous and Pellet Triggered ELMs at JET
It is currently assumed that a reliable technique for the mitigation of Edge Located Modes (ELMs) is mandatory for the success of ITER. The severity of the ELM impact on the divertor plasma-facing components is determined by ELM rise time, wetted area and energy deposited on the divertor targets during the ELM rise time. For any candidate control technique to mitigate ELMs to 1MJ detailed analysis of divertor power load characteristics has to be carried out. Experiments at ASDEX Upgrade have shown that by Pellet ELM pacing ELMs can be triggered reliably up to frequencies twice the natural ELM frequency. We present a comparison of several divertor power load aspects of spontaneous and pellet triggered ELMs employing infrared thermography.