
First Results of Minimum Fisher Regularisation as Unfolding Method for JET NE213 Liquid Scintillator Neutron Spectrometry

At JET, the NE213 liquid scintillator is being validated as a diagnostic tool for spectral measurements of neutrons emitted from the plasma. Neutron spectra have to be unfolded from the measured pulse-height spectra, which is an ill-conditioned problem. Therefore, use of two independent unfolding methods allows for less ambiguity on the interpretation of the data. In parallel to the routine algorithm MAXED based on the Maximum Entropy method, the Minimum Fisher Regularisation (MFR) method has been introduced at JET. The MFR method, known from two-dimensional tomography applications, has proved to provide a new transparent tool to validate the JET neutron spectra measured with the NE213 liquid scintillators. In this article, the MFR method applicable to spectra unfolding is briefly explained. After a mention of MFR tests on phantom spectra experimental neutron spectra are presented that were obtained by applying MFR to NE213 data in selected JET experiments. The results tend to confirm MAXED observations.
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