
Teleconferencing for the EFDA Laboratories

Since early 2000 JET has been operating as a shared facility; several other European fusion experiments will follow. This requires tools for Remote Participation and in particular for Teleconferencing in the widest sense. Similar requirements exist for ITER and JET design and construction activities as well as for administrative and management areas.The 23 EFDA Associations are now making significant use of such techniques. Many technical and scientific meetings are regularly organised as distributed meetings with audiences and speakers spread over several locations. While presentation (electronic slides) sharing has converged on a single approach based on the open-source VNC[1] software, two different technologies have been adopted for audio and video conferencing. Many labs in the JET collaboration are using the VRVS[2] infrastructure, originally developed by Caltech for the CERN LHC community, with the open-source MBone tools VIC and RAT[3] as clients for video and audio. Several other labs have opted for an approach based on the H.323[4] umbrella standards. The two systems are not fully interoperable. Hence, an EFDA working group has been created to explore and compare the two approaches, and to produce recommendations for the future.
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