Studies of Impurity Deposition/Implantation in JET Divertor Tiles using SIMS and Ion Beam Techniques
At the end of C4 campaign at JET, a 1% SiH4/99% D2 mixture and pure 13CH4 were injected into the torus from the outer divertor wall and from the top of the vessel, respectively, in order to study material transport and Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) flows. A set of MkIIGB tiles was removed during 2001 shutdown for surface analysis. The tiles were analysed with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and Time-of-Flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (TOF-ERDA). 13C was detected in the inner divertor wall tiles implying material transport from the top of the vessel. Silicon was detected mainly at the outer divertor wall tiles and very small amounts were found in the inner divertor wall tiles. Si amounts in the inner divertor wall tiles were so low that rigorous conclusions about material transport from divertor outboard to inboard can not be made.