
Integrated Predictive Transport Modelling of ELMy H-Mode JET Plasmas

J.S. Lönnroth, G. Corrigan, D. Heading, G. Huysmans, A. Loarte, V.V. Parail, G. Saibene, S. Sharapov and J. Spence It is well-known that the edge plasma parameters influence plasma performance in many different ways. In the ELMy H-mode, which is considered a reference scenario for ITER and other burning plasma experiments, the link between edge and core is controlled by the Edge Transport Barrier (ETB), a thin layer of improved transport characteristics. Conventionally, the plasma core and scrape-off layer have been treated separately in predictive modelling with the motivation that the physics is very different in these two regions. Moreover, in many studies modelling of the plasma has not included simulation of the ETB and the scrape-off layer. Instead, the values of the relevant plasma parameters on top of the ETB have been used as boundary conditions. However, both theory and experiments show that there is a strong link between the edge and the core, so that even a modest variation of the plasma parameters in one region can lead to a dramatic change in overall plasma performance. Therefore, integrated modelling of both core and edge is needed in order to obtain self-consistent results.
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