
Novel Method to Study SOL-Response to ELMs by Divertor Target Probes in JET

The particle fluxes and heat energy loads, which accompany edge localised mode phenomena (ELM) during high confinement discharges cause losses in density and plasma energy and may lead to enhanced erosion of the divertor target plates. In the past the global properties and scalings of the ELMs have been explored [1,2]. However, the underlying physics is still concealed due to the stochastic nature, of which ELMs are. In order to reveal detailed time information of a typical ELM, a new ELM identification algorithm has been applied to ELMy H-mode periods to find ELM parameters in the Da signal and in Isat, Vfloat and Te from triple probes in the divertor targets. Once an ELM-event has been identified, the inverse time interval of successive ELM events, the width, height and integral of the ELM burst, and the average signal between ELMs is calculated for every individual ELM in the series. In addition, the data of all ELMs, which belong to the same phase during an ELM, are combined and averaged.
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