2007 10th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, Kloster Seeon, Germany (8th–10th October)
Fokker-Planck Modelling of TF Ripple Induced Fast Ion Transport for NPA Measurements in JET
2007 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw, Poland (2nd - 6th July)
TF Ripple Effects on the NBI Deuteron Confinement in JET
2006 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China (16th–22nd October)
Evolution of Fusion-Born Alpha Particles in JET Tritium NBI Discharges: Measurements and Modelling
2005 32nd EPS Conference, Tarragona, Spain (27th - 1st July)
Relaxation of Fusion Alpha Distributions in Tritium NBI Experiments
2004 20th IAEA Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, (1st–6th November)
Confinement of Charged Fusion Products in Reversed Shear Tokamak Plasmas
2003 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia, (7th–11th July)
Hollow Current Effects on Fusion Alpha Particles Confined in JET
2002 29th EPS Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, (17th–21st June)
Influence of Safety Factor Profiles on Fast Ion Confinement in JET
Modelling of γ-Ray Diagnostics for MeV Energy Range Ions in JET